I'm Satyam Gupta Available For Freelance Work

I'm Freelance Developer
Turning Your Ideas Into Apps using Code

I help companies to build their digital products and turn ideas into a functional and delightful experience. I’m focusing on working on backend and automation – mainly building apis, apps, websites and deploying them in cloud.

Case Studies & Projects
GyanBuzz Platform
Of Course There Is No Staff
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01 GyanBuzz View project

Building an Elearning platform

I collaborated with GyanBuzz to build their eLearning app based platform from scratch. This case study explains what the process was, from the designing part to the development part.

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02 Larapush View project

Rebuilding SAAS

I joined Larapush to rebuild their webpush saas. I have changed backend algorithm to scale and configured automated deployments.

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03 ZippyFeed View project

Online Food Delivery Platform.

I joined team ZippyFeed to develop their backend and admin panel. It helped the company to revolutionized the way company was offering service.

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04 Ataxia India View project

Development of Ataxia India

In the journey of development, this was one of my oldest client project. This includes a full CMS and a website to showcase their work and collect volenteers, doctors and donations across india.

Services & Contact
I’m building backend and platforms using the magic of code.

Focused on full stack development over these years I helped companies and growing startup build apps and websites of all sorts.

About & Services
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Lets Get In Touch !

I’m not really active on LinkedIn but you can stay in touch with me on Facebook. I open-source some of my work on Github and showcase some experiments on Youtube.
